Hey you!
New year, new week, new day. I’m currently sat in the glow of the long-missed sunshine drinking a cup of coffee. I do hope this sun extends its stay.
We did it. We survived 2023. It was kind to me, in a lot of ways, but I think the consensus for the year was that it was challenging. I had many difficult moments throughout the year that has inspired my next steps forward into 2024. Difficult moments aside, I had a blast with countless yoga classes, a multitude of Yoga Nidra, an online community away from social media (big win), an eye-opening training course and you. You are the most important part of this whole teaching yoga experience.
I spend a lot of my time talking about balance, as you know well. I apply a great deal of energy to learning, evolving and developing. However, you are on the other side of the scales. You balance it out. Without you, my learning out be pointless. Without growth, you wouldn’t keep coming. This is why I ensure I include you in the conversation when I am planning the future.
New Year holds a special place in my heart. I spent a lot of considering how I want the next 12 months to look. It doesn’t necessarily mean any of it comes true, but it does enable me to focus on what I want right now. It’s a wonderful time to reflect. I have used this time of year to re-adjust my path many, many times. Do you have any New Year traditions?
There are quite a few things coming in 2024. I am excited. 2024 feels like it might just be a year that I’m going to theme ‘the hard work paid off’:
I turn 30
It will be my fifth anniversary of teaching
I am branching into experimenting with 1-2-1s
I’m doing a small group course called Better Balance
I have a company offering their employees access to our Monday online classes
I want to change Yoga Nidra Library into an On-Demand platform for all my content
I have more and more course ideas that can support your practice
More Yoga Nidra through Zoom
There are plenty of reasons to be excited so thank you! I cannot wait to see you on your mat where I will be celebrating ‘the hard work paid off’ for 365 days.
Don’t forget, you are amazing!